“I never knew coaching was so powerful. Everyone should be doing this!”
“Coaching (with Robin) has been a life changing experience for me. It opened up a very different world and showed me the “origin of things”. It empowered me to be the master of not only my own life, but also understand how changes in me impact people around me. I always believed in “what goes around, comes around” and “treat others the way you want to be treated”, but we went much deeper than that. What I’ve learned is applicable to all areas of my life and positively impacts people around me.” ~ Laura
“I can comfortably say it has been the best professional decision I have made and haven’t looked back. I have found the time with Robin invaluable to keep pushing boundaries, to keep looking bigger and to keep taking strides forward. Robin has made the process very easy and broken down my own perceived boundaries and perceptions of coaching and I feel grateful to be part of the program. I firmly believe this is making me a better leader and having a positive influence on my ability to impact my team and the business. I would encourage others if presented to do the same and to take full advantage and embrace every aspect of the program.” ~ Ash
“I understand myself so much better. I’m so much more positive throughout my day.”
“My time spent with Robin has been fantastic. Having never been formally coached before, I was a little apprehensive as to what to expect, but I was made to feel comfortable from the word go. In only a short space of time, I feel like I have grown and developed, and have given thought to things in new ways. Despite being out of my comfort zone at times, I enjoyed every minute and feel that I am more self-aware and now know what I want to achieve because of it. I would definitely recommend Robin to anyone, thank you!” ~ Kate
“Best personal development I’ve done in the past 10 years!”
“When I first started my coaching journey I was holding myself back with fear and under-confidence. I didn’t think that I had the tools to do the job; to be honest I had got myself into a rut of apathy where I wasn’t really enjoying so many aspects of my role. Through your coaching I learnt that I already had many of the qualities that I felt I was lacking; by mapping out the experiences and character traits that I felt I needed to really succeed in my role I realised that I had them all along. Dealing with my inner critic and learning how to mute that voice has been so helpful – whereas before I would doubt myself to even try to put myself forward to lead a team event, I now relish these opportunities! Confidence is such a motivating force that I didn’t think I could ever truly achieve. Gaining knowledge that self-confidence isn’t an innate character trait but a learnt behaviour was such a game changer – I now know that it’s in my power to own and grow even further than I already have. I genuinely feel like I have unlocked so much more potential in myself to succeed, both in my professional and personal life. Thank you so much Robin for your time coaching me, in such a short period of time I have learnt to be more flexible, more open, more confident and happier in myself. I will continue to look inwards and become the future leader that I want to become.” ~ Clare
“Wow! Robin’s workshop was powerful, transformative, playful and real. Robin is able to hold sacred space and powerfully lead the group through innovative games of self discovery. Her ability to hone in on your blocks and resistances are laser sharp and she supports you in every way to move through these with ease and grace. You will find Robin to be a unique leader who has a masterful presence, powerful, energetic charisma and who will move you forward on your path of transformation.” ~ GilliAn
I highly recommend Robin’s coaching services. She is a gifted leader that uses intuition and creative personalized assignments that bring forth client accountability and self awareness in order to facilitate personal growth and healing. In the last 3 months I’ve seen tremendous results. I’ve landed a place of employment that is in alignment with my value system and my ability to handle life’s challenges is no longer the struggle that it once was. I am excited to continue using her coaching services as she has built a strong foundation and the momentum is in full swing. ~ Jodi
“It was so good I would have paid double!” ~D
“….there I was, and all of a sudden I realized that the project no longer looked intimidating. The only way I could think of it was as of an opportunity to learn and to lead the team to deliver value for our organization (sounds very corporate, but I could find a different way to express it). I was excited about working on the project, even though a week before I had hard time finding any positive thoughts or emotions about it. We hear all the time that each challenge is an opportunity, but I never FELT it. It never was in my subconsciousness. It is now. It is a tremendous feeling of being free and empowered and looking forward to challenges. I think there are two parts to it. One is about being confident in your own abilities. The other is about re-defining “success” and “failure” and getting rid of the fear of failure. I discovered both because of your coaching. I always think that best jobs in the world are those that positively impact other people’s lives. Your coaching made a big difference in my life. Thank you, Robin.” ~ Laura
“Robin led & facilitated a powerful, fun & exciting weekend workshop focused on finding your life purpose. I have experienced a massive & pivotal shift during this extraordinary weekend. With Robin’s help, I now have clarity on the direction I am headed. I am so excited! I feel empowered & magnificent! Thank you Robin! I am forever grateful.” ~Mary
Robin is a natural born leader. She is both grounded into Mother Earth and connected with the Divine. She exudes light and joy and peace. Her intuition is strong and she is able to shift people in positive and powerful ways. The workshop that I attended was filled with meditation, dance, individual processing and interactive exercises. We were treated to life learning, spiritual learning and fun! ~ Shirley
“I got so much out of the workshop and highly recommend it….serious, helpful and also fun.” ~Dorothy
“Working with Robin has been great, she has helped me work through some of my leadership challenges, while also challenging me to continue to develop as a leader. While my current manager is a great coach, we’re all very busy and it is rare you can take a full hour to talk just about leadership without the day to day details dominating the conversation. Having someone who understands our business but is separate enough from the coal face allows us to talk candidly without an underlying agenda. Working with Robin has allowed me to work through challenges that I was perhaps procrastinating on or develop conclusions that I subconsciously knew but hadn’t fully acknowledged yet. Robin has a great ability to get you to work through an issue until you find the solution you had all along. I have very much enjoyed the conversations I’ve had with Robin and it has been great to step away from the day to day at least once every two weeks and reflect on how I can help improve the performance of my team.” ~ David
“Every time we finish a session, I feel like hugging and kissing my husband”