Upcoming Events for 2025
Each month, we explore the collective energy of humanity and what’s arising for us to heal and shift next. Then aligning with the rhythms of the Earth and the cosmic shifts affecting our healing and awakening process, we create powerful transformation workshops to help you on your path. Here’s what’s coming up next:
March 15-16th* – Healing Intergenerational Patterns
*Deep dive for the whole weekend or join us for Saturday only.

Join this transformational workshop to break-free of repeating intergenerational pain, beliefs, behaviors, and limitations. Open your mind, body, and energy to create the life you desire. >>CLICK HERE for MORE INFO & REGISTER<<
March 15th, 2025 @ 9:30am to 11am – BioGEM Reset Experience

If you are feeling tired, anxious, dis-ease, blocked, frustrated. If life isn’t flowing as you’d like it to. You need to reset at your energy matrix level.
Using precise sacred geometric forms, with intention, movement, and breath, you can release yourself from stored trauma, recalibrate your body to healing frequencies, and magnetize in the life you desire.
Click Here to find out more about our BioGEM Reset experiences.
April 12-13th* – Emotional Mastery for Life
*Deep dive for the whole weekend or join us for Saturday only.

Join this transformational workshop to break-free from emotional baggage for good – reclaim your health and peace of mind by discovering how to process your emotions fully. Heal the past, embrace the present, and create a healthier future. >>CLICK HERE for MORE INFO & REGISTER<<
April 12th, 2025 @ 9:30am to 11am – BioGEM Reset Experience

If you are feeling tired, anxious, dis-ease, blocked, frustrated. If life isn’t flowing as you’d like it to. You need to reset at your energy matrix level.
Using precise sacred geometric forms, with intention, movement, and breath, you can release yourself from stored trauma, recalibrate your body to healing frequencies, and magnetize in the life you desire.
Click Here to find out more about our BioGEM Reset experiences.
May 24-25th* – Stop Sabotaging Yourself
*Deep dive for the whole weekend or join us for Saturday only.

Join this transformational workshop to uncover and heal what’s truly causing you to sabotage yourself and finally get the life, the relationships, the success you’ve always wanted. >>CLICK HERE for MORE INFO & REGISTER<<
Walking the P.A.T.H. (Purpose. Awareness. Truth. Healing)
9 Month Program (open for January-May 2025 semester registration now) >>Find out more HERE<<
Workshops below are included in the program but can also be attended separately.
January 11- 12th – Freeing Yourself Thru Forgiveness
February 8-9th – Level Up Your Communication for Relationship Success
March 15 – 16th – Healing Intergenerational Patterns
April 12- 13th – Emotional Mastery for Life
May 24 – 25th – Stop Sabotaging Yourself
Note: Some of the workshop topics above may change closer to the dates. This will only happen in efforts to better align with the collective energy as it shifts with local and global events. Our aim is to make each workshop most relevant as possible for you.
Special Notice –
Many of these weekend events are part of the Walking the P.A.T.H comprehensive 9-month online and in-person program that allows participants to deepen their journey into purpose, awareness, truth and healing. You do not need to be a P.A.T.H member in order to attend these workshop. To find out more about Walking the P.A.T.H click here.
Join our email list to be the first to know about further event dates and details.
“Wow! Robin’s workshop was powerful, transformative, playful and real. Robin is able to hold sacred space and powerfully lead the group through innovative games of self discovery. Her ability to hone in on your blocks and resistances are laser sharp and she supports you in every way to move through these with ease and grace. You will find Robin to be a unique leader who has a masterful presence, powerful, energetic charisma and who will move you forward on your path of transformation.” ~ GilliAn