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Join this workshop to uncover and heal what’s truly causing you to sabotage yourself and finally get the life, the relationships, the success you’ve always wanted.
May 24-25th in Calgary AB
(Saturday only is available)
Dear One,
Have you ever wondered why am I fighting myself on this? I know what I want so what the deal?! Why do I keep sabotaging myself?
There are lots of ways we sabotage our success, our happiness, our relationships, even our ability to show up somewhere on time or stick to an exercise routine. It can have a link to our self esteem, negative thinking patterns, or lack of self-compassion, but to truly understand the root cause and shift past that bad behaviour we must go deeper. The key lies in our unconscious mind.
Self-sabotage is your mind’s misguided way of protecting you. In order to shift out of this behaviour you need to dig deep to understand what’s going on. What we are labeling a maladaptive behaviour is actually a survival strategy put in place by a well intending ego mind that’s looking to past experiences and beliefs to drive behavior in the present. This can cause your conscious goals or intentions to be in conflict with the unconscious ones that are truly running the show.
Let’s take a common example. You are trying to eat healthy but keep making poor food choices. It could be that you’re just lazy or have poor willpower, but often the self sabotage is coming from a deeper need that’s not being met. Perhaps when you are lonely or need comfort you use a bag of chips to give you that sense nurturing. Or maybe you’re on a diet but your spouse isn’t. On an unconscious level you may feel the need to sabotage your eating so that don’t get too disconnected from him or her.
Let’s look at another example. June has had trouble progressing with many areas of her life. She can’t seem to hold down a job. She can’t seem to commit to a serious relationship. She recognizes that it is herself that does things to ruin her life but she can’t seem to stop it. Upon a deeper look we learn that June’s sister died in an accident when she was 20 years old. June was really close with her sister and misses her dearly. We discover that she is experiencing survivor guilt and every time she starts to move forward into her adult life, it brings up unresolved emotions of guilt and pain that her sister will never get to experience a career or find a committed relationship. She when those good things start to show up in June’s life, she unconsciously sabotages her progress as a way of remaining loyal to her sister.
Any behaviour that stands in the way of the goal you’re trying to move toward can be considered self-sabotage. This could be things like procrastination. Saying or doing something you know will damage a relationship. Negative self talk. Eating junk food or taking drugs. Putting too much on your to-do list so you can’t possibly do it all. Saying yes to stuff you know you can’t follow through on. Saying or doing things you know will hurt your spouse or friend.
Sabotaging behaviors become especially troublesome when they become habitual, in other words, things we just do without even thinking.
If you recognize you are sabotaging yourself and do it anyway, it is a form of self betrayal. So not only do you need to get to the bottom of why you’re self sabotaging, you also need to rebuild trust with yourself once you stop the destructive behaviour and fully heal.
So you recognize that you’re sabotaging yourself but now what!
How do you stop it?
I know this might be hard to do on your own which is why I’m offering a weekend workshop to help you successfully apply those four steps to stop sabotaging yourself. Especially when a lot of what’s happening is unconscious, it is helpful to have a guide to get access and clarity on what’s really going on inside.
Here is what we will focus on in the workshop:
Stop spinning your wheels and release yourself to truly soar in life. Come join us in Calgary 24-25th to open your world to what is possible when you stop sabotaging your life.
Find out more about this workshop below. Contact me if you have any questions.
In Conscious Connection,
Robin’s system of transformation focuses on continuously making a conscious connection to who you are, in relation to others, and to the environment in which you exist. Expansion to higher realms, other dimensions, connection to intuitive gifts and Spirit is only helpful if you learn how to use it in your physical life. After all you came here to experience life on Earth in this body, at this time. It is a principle she lives as a successful navigator of her own spiritual awakening while working a demanding corporate career and now as a thriving entrepreneur.
She is an experienced leader, facilitator, mentor, coach, channel, and intuitive guide with decades of study in psychology, shamanism, energy medicine, quantum science, and other ancient healing arts. The techniques she uses in group events stem from this vast knowledge and personal experience in uncovering her own soul truth and opening to gifts she is called to share with others. Read More.
“Wow! Robin’s workshop was powerful, transformative, playful and real. Robin is able to hold sacred space and powerfully lead the group through innovative games of self discovery. Her ability to hone in on your blocks and resistances are laser sharp and she supports you in every way to move through these with ease and grace. You will find Robin to be a unique leader who has a masterful presence, powerful, energetic charisma and who will move you forward on your path of transformation.” ~GilliAn
Over the workshop we will be employing a number of different techniques to help you tap into your greatness. You will have the opportunity to process with Robin directly, share with others, and contribute to the group’s upliftment.
This is not a passive workshop:
You will experience transformation in both an expanded and grounded way that allows you to integrate change at a speed that works for you personally. And we have a lot of fun with music, meditations, breathwork, dance, artistic creations, and new creative processing exercises every month. No two workshops are ever the same. That’s why many of the same people attend month after month. The journey is ever fresh and taking them deeper on their path.
Robin is the founder of the Intentional Release Method. You will find what’s really needing to shift, feel into what’s needing to felt, forgive self and others, let go of all that’s no longer serving, and let love back into your being to heal and uplift. Her method may incorporate techniques like child-self integration, past life access, ancestral work, shadow & archetypes, embodiment & movement practices, spiritual connection, meditation, nature immersion, or sound therapy when suitable.
Robin works highly intuitively and in flow with the needs of the individual, the group, and the space in order to access and achieve transformation for you.
DATE: Saturday, May 24 – Sunday May 25, 2025 (Saturday only participation is available)
PLACE: Wildwood Community Center – Lg Hall
ADDRESS: 4411 Spruce Dr SW, Calgary AB
TIME: Saturday 9:30 am – 5:30 pm (Arrive by 9:20am), Sunday 9:30 – 5pm
Water, Coffee, Tea will be provided.
We will break for lunch. (Not provided – bring your own)
“Awesome coaching and leadership for an insightful and transformational weekend. The shift of awareness and healing of past perceptions truly helped me step into an ability I was anxious about and stalled for the next step. The next step I received was the empowerment and new belief of accepting the ability and taking it to action. Thank you so much for the opportunity of connection to an aspect of my self and gifts with confidence ” ~ KB
“I have experienced a massive & pivotal shift during this extraordinary weekend. With Robin’s help, I now have clarity on the direction I am headed. I am so excited! I feel empowered & magnificent! Thank you Robin! I am forever grateful.” ~Mary
“Robin is a natural born leader. She is both grounded into Mother Earth and connected with the Divine. She exudes light and joy and peace. Her intuition is strong and she is able to shift people in positive and powerful ways. The workshop that I attended was filled with meditation, dance, individual processing and interactive exercises. We were treated to life learning, spiritual learning and fun!” ~ Shirley
“Wow! Robin’s workshop was powerful, transformative, playful and real. Robin is able to hold sacred space and powerfully lead the group through innovative games of self discovery. Her ability to hone in on your blocks and resistances are laser sharp and she supports you in every way to move through these with ease and grace. You will find Robin to be a unique leader who has a masterful presence, powerful, energetic charisma and who will move you forward on your path of transformation.” ~ GilliAn
“The love that Robin shares is palpable. The workshop helped me get past my defenses, explore the possibilities available, see past the ego and support my inner child. Thank you for helping me become a better person, friend, family member and human.” ~ Greg
To pay using e-transfer contact Robin at:
Or call 403-237-9784. (You can also use this contact info for any questions about this event.)
We are so confident you will love the transformational workshops we offer that we want to take the financial risk off the table for you. If you’ve never been to one of our workshops, feel confident registering knowing that if you don’t find it to be the transformational experience you’d expect after the 1st day of the weekend, we will give your money back.